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Senin, 13 Mei 2013

Totality in Newbie Gals : Is It A Must?

 Totality in Newbie Gals

One thing to point out : I'm still newbie too and I don't know everything yet, but this is my opinion. Please don't judge but let's discuss this together. 

Okay, gals *cough* so today I want to discuss rather serious topic about Gyaru.
I don't mean to bash anyone here, but I just want to point out few things about newbie gal world.
I'm also a newbie gyaru, and sometimes I feel my limit for become 'as total as I can'. That's very normal. But it depends how we work on it, right?

 Yes, when a newbie gal for me entered the gal world for the first time, yes... Gyaru is an expensive hobby (or we will call it 'Lifestyle' later), yet fun, rebellious, and very energetic. I'm very astounded about how Gyaru lifestyle changes my life. I become more energetic, and optimistic about this world. I feel that there are many things beyond my reach. And then when I started to have few gyaru friends, and we're discussing to make a gyaru-sa etc, I feel that I get a life! Gyaru style really changes my life! And I'm sure other new gals feel this feeling and it's so amazing!

But otherwise, I found it rather difficult at first to point out all gyaru style's main-points on my style and life. It's hard to find gyaru-ish clothes, accessories, even gyaru friends on my country (basic difficulty for a gaijin gyaru, actually). For a student like me, circle lenses, lashes, etc are rather expensive, though I can manage it by save some money. But some people can't deal with it.

Yes, Gyaru style is fun, but on the reality it rather spends some money, right? Not just gyaru I think -- people who are into a certain style face these kinds of probs. I don't blame on anything or anyone but, based on my own experience and my friends', yes, it is. Some people can manage it, some people can't.


Nah, we have got an idea of newbie gal probs, and my probs too. Now let's divide newbies into two :

-One that accepts critics, even flames
-A stubborn one. No explain about this.

I'm not saying and pointing out on 'You! That's you!' I don't b*tch out. Let's evaluate ourselves... Who are us? What kinda gals are us? Yes, I know, not just newbie gals, but also older gals can be appreciative and some of them can go very stubborn. But that's human. We have our weakness too.

The first type. Very obedient gal yet can be very creative or, otherwise, dependent. She always thinks positively about critics given, and she never searchs for praises but critics. A rare type. Because we are all human born to be on our own -- so I know it's so difficult to be accepting on other's opinion. But a standing ovation from me if you can handle it, gals.

The second type. When we intended to help her, she thinks that we insult her. Yes, that kinda gal DOES exist and we must found sucha gyaru, even just once in our lifetime. People that cannot accept critics never grow. Even her mind doesn't grow up (rebellious isn't that kinda thing, girl!). Yes, we all know this kind of gyaru.

On this section, we all got that totality in gyaru world isn't just about great outfit, astounding nails, hot tan, good bleaching, suppapawa makeup etc... but it's also how to go well with other gyaru and accepting critics and constructive suggestion. Without other gyaru, we can never be. I thank my first few gyaru friends that introduce me into gyaru style, also.


So what's the relation about those types and probs?

Simple thing. Sooner or later, the first type will became a gyaru in totality and integrity. And the second one won't, except they are nice enough to change their mindset.

It's not about how expensive, how difficult...

First, about expensive thingy, we can make some tricks by it. For example, let's take a note on the brain that wearing expensive gyaru lashes (sorry for mentioning brands but some like Dollywink, etc) doesn't make you any gyaru if you don't put efforts! You can buy other lashes and still can be a gyaru, believe me. And for lenses, we can trick it by wearing cheap but good lenses like geo. For the outfit, once again, wearing Liz Lisa, DreamV, doesn't make you any gyaru if you don't put efforts! Same thing on fashion things like shoes, etc. What do you need is just the skill of mix-matching your clothes, and the skill of 'finding a jewel on a bunch of trashy stones'. For example when you go to a boutique, you can find something fancy. You can find fancy fashion items anywhere and you can try to make something new, gals!!

Second, about difficulties... as I have mentioned before, you can find fancy things anywhere. And you can make your own style. Don't get yourself pinned, gals! Show off who you are!!


This article is just enough. Please don't think that I'm mean XD I still don't know anything yet. I'm just shouting my opinions to the world.

2 komentar:

  1. Great post! I totally agree with you :) I hate it when I see people say things like you're not gyaru enough or something to newbie gyaru. Gyaru isn't just long lashes and expensive Liz Lisa dresses after all :3 love your blog, followed ^^

    1. (sorry for not logging in lol XD)

      Yes, I hate it. At least the newbies are trying. I'm still newbie too, though such things never happened to me but I know someday it will, and for the newbies, it's not good. Unless that that newbie is a stubborn stone.

      Thanks! When I come with PC I'll follow back you!
