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★ Thank you for 2000+ hits! I'll work harder after this~ ★ 2000+HITSありがとうございました!頑張りますよ〜 ★ Terima kasih untuk 2000+ hits! Setelah ini aku akan terus berjuang~ ★ 2000+ hits gracias! Estoy luchando! ★

Minggu, 19 Mei 2013

★ A Little Update : Vietnam Choir Contest and I'm Learning ASL! ★

Hello gals~ ☆ 元気かい〜? (´∇ノ`*)ノHow are you?
小さな更新だよ〜 This is a small update of me!  (´ω`★) About my recent activities and so on! (Not to be full of myself... but since this is my blog... it means that I post something about myself and around me right? No no OK let's start!) d=(´▽`)=b

ところで、As you may know that I'm rather nervous and hurried up, because I'm joining a choir contest in Vietnam with my school choir team that will be held on Hoi An at 19-23 June... oh gosh. 5 days without family 【・ヘ・?】 A secret but I'm a homesick girl! (●´ω`●)ゞSo it would be rather hard. But it's just for five days...  強いこです〜!And of course I'll bring my musics so I wouldn't feel so lonely~ (Yes I'm hard to make friends in the real world -- at least, I can make friend with certain peoples... it's just my nurtured nature ;w;) 

And second! If you read my tumblr:, or be my friend on facebook, you may know that I'm currently learning ASL (American Sign Language). I'm not deaf or disabled... (yes, even my mother and brothers think that I'm strange and weird for learning sign language) but when I learn ASL, I feel an amazing, understanding feeling. I never feel that I'm better, or more lucky than those who are deaf or disabled (yes, they're amazing. Because they still can thank and be grateful to this life.)... but I'm just very thankful. Feeling very thankful. 

OK I will tell you something about me, I never give the details about peoples on the internet, but I think there's no fault to share, since, maybe it can motivate you to be thankful and understanding. 

A day on my Junior High School days, when I'm studying Biology (I still remember it clearly, worst experience of my life) I feel that my ear was ringing so hard until it hurted and I can't hear anything while the ringing continues. I was on panic about 45 seconds. And then it went off. I thought it was just a mere condition. 

But that ringing ear keeps continue, even sometimes, without panic or pain. 

Day by day passed... and I realize that my hearing was lost bit by bit. I started to not notice when someone called me. I hardly hear anything, really. And I remember that those times, I loved to listening music loudly by headphone (It causes hearing disability or hearing loss, as far as I know)

I feel so blue... yes, my grandma always scolds me for wearing headphone for too long. And that time I felt so guilty... If only, that time, I chose to take off my headphone and take care of my ears... I feel guilty of my every deeds. My grandma and grandpa always want me to be a healthy, good child. 

So I take a gutty decision. I went to the hospital by myself. But, ironically, the open hour for the auditory part, was over. So I went back to home and I told my housemaid the truth about my hearing loss. And luckily (or that time, WTF-ly) my housemaid told my grandma about it!!

But surprisingly, my grandma wasn't angry at all! She just said 'Why didn't you tell me first? It's so dangerous for your ear's health. OK, I'll call grandpa and we're seeing the doctor'. 

And, on 6 p.m., yes, I went to the doctor with my grandparents. After some painful check-up (oh that tool hurt my ears!), and non-painful check up too, the doctor told us that some of my auditory cells are broken. Yes you didn't read it wrong. My auditory cells were broken bit by bit (maybe because of the excessive loud sound) and cause some aches and errors. The doctor recommended us to go to the hospital for the detailed check-up. 

Nah here we go the next day, we went to the hospital. And at the same day, there it go, the result. We showed the result to the doctor and the doctor said 'Well than... luckily you're not late. It's just a small breaks and won't affect you, though, it can go worse if you're late to check it up.' 

After we said thank you, we went out and my grandma held me and said,

"I don't want you to be deaf. I always scold you because I love you so much. I want you to be happy in your life. Maybe, let's celebrate it with go dinner out together? Which restaurant do you want to go, dear?"

I nearly burst into tears but I'm the master at holding tears! LOL~! So we went eating to my TWO favorite restaurant! How happy were us! 

 And when we went back to home, my grandma asked me, "Where are your headphones?" (Yes I had kinda plently lol!) and I showed her all my headphones and she... took it all. And keep it by her own. But that time, I wasn't mad at her. I just smiled happily, and said, "Thank you." 

So yeah you know that I almost went deaf. So, at least I know how to be thankful... and because of that, I learn ASL, because I'm thankful. 

Oh! And for those who wants to learn ASL too, I have some recommended video! These videos are very helpful to teach you how!

Kateemaria and Bryan from SignLaguage101 are my favorite youtube Sign Language Teacher! I looooove them soooo much!!

And for my favorite ASL learning website, you can go here! You can find helpful and easy stuffs there~

Okay this update is enough! See you! Bye~!! またねぇ〜 (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧ (This is stars for you, beautifuls!)

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